Network Members
Lead Investigators
Rachel Willie
Liverpool John Moores University
Emilie Murphy
The University of York
Network Partners
Alexander Fisher
University of British Columbia
Angela McShane
Wellcome Collection
Ben Wilcock
The National Trust
Advisory Board
Niall Atkinson
University of Chicago
Katherine Butler Schofield
King's College London
Emily Butterworth
King's College London
David Howard
Royal Holloway, University of London
Jennifer Richards
Newcastle University
Richard Wistreich
Royal College of Music
Alison Altstatt, University of Northern Iowa
Panos Amelidis, Bournemouth University
Susan Anderson, Sheffield Hallam University
Antonio Arnieri, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Josefine Baark, University of Warwick
Katie Bank, University of Birmingham
Marta Battisti, University of Grenoble Alpes
Christopher Barnes , University of Birmingham
Shirley Bell, Sheffield Hallam University
Chantal Berry, University of York
Jonathan Best, University of Huddersfield
Olivia Bloechl, University of Pittsburgh
Keith Botelho, Kennesaw State University
Heidi Brayman, University of California, Riverside
Elma Brenner, Wellcome Collection
Janette Bright, Institute of Historical Research
Carys Brown, University of Manchester
Ann Buckley, Trinity College Dublin
Katherine Butler, Northumbria University
Chloë-Jade Butlin, University of Southampton
Joshua Caldicott, University of Nottingham / Shakespeare Institute
Molly Campbell, University of Glasgow
Jana Carpenter
Michelle Castelletti
Matthew Champion, University of Melbourne
Katelyn Clark, University of British Columbia
Helen Coffey, The Open University
Janie Cole, University of Cape Town
James Cook, University of Edinburgh
Catriona Cooper, Royal Holloway, University of London
Gisela Coronado Schwindt, University National of Mar del Plata
Duane Corpis, NYU Shanghai
Mayra Cortes, UCLA
Lindsey Cox
John Craig, Simon Fraser University
Tin Cugelj, University of Bern
Gareth Davies, Anglia Ruskin University
Deyasini Dasgupta, University of Syracuse
Salih Demirtas, Istanbul Technical University
Louise Deschryver, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Emma Dillon, King's College London
Laura Doak, University of Glasgow
Dario D'Orazio, University of Bologna
Don Duncan, Queen's University Belfast
Scott Eaton, Queen's University Belfast
Barbara Eichner, Oxford Brookes University
Elizabeth Elmi, Iowa State University
Katherine Emery,University of Cambridge
Jo Esra, University of Exeter
Ferran Escrivà-Llorca, Universidad Internacional de Valencia
Catherine Evans, University of Edinburgh
Mel Evans, University of Leeds
Jean David Eynard, Cambridge University
Peter Falconer, University of Southampton
James Fellows, University of Oxford
Iain Fenlon, Cambridge University
Amedeo Fera
Angela Fiore, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Hasan Baran Firat, Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Kate Foy, University of Durham
Alessia Frescura, University of Liverpool
Briony Frost, University of Bath
John Gallagher, University of Leeds
Stefan Gasch, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Ronit Ghosh, University of Chicago
Marianne Gillion, KU Leuven
Daniel Gilman, Cambridge University
Camille Gontarek, University of Oxford
Andrew Gordon, University of Aberdeen
Penelope Gouk, University of Manchester
Ilaria Grippaudo, Università degli Studi di Palermo
Anna Groundwater, National Museums Scotland
Anastazja Grudnicka, University College London
Michael Guida, University of Sussex
Mirjam Haas, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Daniela Hacke, Freie Universität Berlin
Philip Hahn, University of Tübingen
Alexandros Hatzikiriakos, Università di Verona
Ellie Hedger, University of Birmingham
Luís Henriques, University of Évora, Portugal
Jessica Herdman. University of Manitoba
Alex Hildago, Texas Christian University
Alexandra Hodby, Chatsworth House
Erika Honisch, Stony Brook University
Nathan Hood, University of Edinburgh
Ashley Howard, University of British Columbia
Deborah Howard, Cambridge University
P. A. Hunt, Oxford
Katherine Hunt, University of East Anglia
Jenni Hyde, Lancaster University
David Irving, Institució Milà i Fontanals
Thomas Irvine, University of Southampton
Christine Jeanneret, FUniversity of Copenhagen and Royal Collections at Rosenborg Castle
Juan Ruiz Jiménez, University of Granada
Daniel Johnson, University of Leicester
Jelle Kalsbeek, Delft University of Technology
Deniz Karakas, Binghamton University
Drew Nathaniel Keane, University of St Andrews
Barbara Kennedy
Tanya Kevorkian, Millersville University
Abi Kingsnorth, Canterbury Christchurch University
Sarah Koval, Harvard University
Alicja Knast, London Metropolitan University
Tess Knighton, Institució Milà i Fontanals
Naz Defne Kut, Koç University
Pauline Lafille, Harvard University
Gill Lamden Kilgarriff, Queen Mary University of London
Katherine Larson, University of Toronto
Christian Leitmeir, University of Oxford
Mariana Lopez, University of York
Mattias Lundberg, University of Uppsala
Elisabeth Lutteman
Evan MacCarthy, West Virginia University
Dolly MacKinnon, University of Queensland
Benjamin Maloney, University of York
Jimena Ruiz Marron, University of York
Christopher Marsh, Queen’s University Belfast
Emily Martens-Oberwelland, Dalhousie University
Victor Sierra Matute, New York University
Francisco Mazza, Staffordshire University
Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita, University of Granada
Elaine McGirr, Bristol University
Una McIlvenna, Australian National University
Jude Mc Inerney, Mary Immaculate College Limerick
Emily Michelson, University of St Andrews
Jan-Friedrich Missfelder, University of Basel
Aoife Miralles, University of Oxford
Lidia Alvarez Morales, University of York
Laura Moretti, University of St Andrews
Cécile de Morrée, Utrecht University
Elisabeth Natour, Regensburg University
Wajiha Naqvi
Joe Nelson, University of Minnesota
Julia Nurse, Wellcome Collection
Rosamund Oates, Manchester Metropolitan University
Joanna Olchawa, University of Frankfurt
Jacob Olley, Cambridge University
Oscar Patton, University of Oxford
Linda Pearse, Mount Allison University
Tiago Pereira, Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau
Natalia Pérez, University of Southern California in Los Angeles
Harriet Phillips, Queen Mary, University of London
Michele Piscitelli, University of Birmingham
Louise Mireille Pitre, Simon Fraser University
Janet Pollack
Andy Popperwell, London South Bank University
Roslyn Potter, University of Glasgow
Tessie Prakas, Scripps College
Mary B. Quinn, The University of New Mexico
William Rees Hofmann, SOAS
Alexander Robinson
Dafydd Roberts, Aberystwyth Univeristy
Esperanza Rodríguez-García, Universidade Nova de Lisboa / University of Nottingham
Julia Rombough, Cape Breton University
Massimo Rospocher, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Hannes Rosseel, KU Leuven
William Rough, University of St Andrews
Emily Rowe, Newcastle University
Jessica Rutherford, Central Connecticut State University
Laetitia Sansonetti, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Mark Seow, Cambridge University
Thomas Schmidt, University of Manchester
William Schupbach, Wellcome Collection
Minou Schraven, Amsterdam University College
Stephanie Shirilan, Syracuse University
Jordan Skinner, Princeton University
Andrea Smith, University of East Anglia
Bruce Smith, University of Southern California
Emily Smith, University of Geneva
Simon Smith, University of Birmingham / Shakespeare Institute
Kristel van Soeren, Utrecht University
Tanvi Solanki, Yonsei University
Miranda Stanyon, King's College London and University of Melbourne
Chris Stamatakis, UCL
Aaron Stamper, Princeton University
Robert Stearn, Birkbeck, University of London
Matthew Steggle, University of Bristol
Linda Sturtz, Macalester College
William Summers
Nina Suter, University of Zurich
Ellie Sutton
Makoto Harris Takao, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Siobhan Talbott, Keele University
Downing A. Thomas, University of Iowa
Laura Thorn, University of Cambridge
Lise Tjellesen, University of Reading
María José de la Torre Molina, University of Málaga
Barry Truax, Simon Fraser University
Will Tullett, Anglia Ruskin University
JoAnn Udovich
Emanuela Vai, University of Oxford
Thomas Vaughan, the Warburg Institute
Josefina Venegas Meza, King's College London
Renée Vulto, Ghent University
John N. Wall, North Carolina State University
Michael Walsh
Hannah Waterman, Stony Brook University
Stephen Watkins, Oxford University
Gary Watt, University of Warwick
Wayne Weaver, Cambridge University
Peter Weise, University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Institute
Tobias Weißmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Main
Micheline White, Carleton University
Helen Wilcox, Bangor University
Allan Wilcox, Bangor University
Richard David Williams, SOAS, University of London
Sarah Williams, Univesity of South Carolina
Jennifer Linhart Wood, Associate Editor of Shakespeare Quarterly
Penelope Woods, Queen Mary University of London
Laura Wright, University of Oxford
Haihong Yang, University of Delaware
Soile Ylivuori, University of Helsinki
Tom Zago, University of Cambridge
Giovanni Zanovello, Indianna University
Andrea Zarza
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