5-9 July 2021, Online (Liverpool John Moores University)
Keynote Speakers:
Alexander Fisher (University of British Columbia)
Thomas Irvine (University of Southampton)
Katherine R. Larson (University of Toronto)
Rosa Salzberg (University of Warwick)
Keynote Roundtables:
Sound and Race with Katherine Butler-Schofield (King's College London), Nandini Das (Exeter College, Oxford), Sarah Dustagheer (Kent), Jennifer Lynn Stoever (State University of New York and Binghamton) and Wayne Weaver (University of Cambridge)
Recreating Soundscapes with Mariana Lopez (University of York), Peter Falconer (University of Southampton), Andy Popperwell (London Southbank University), Abigail Wincott (Falmouth University) and Laura Wright (Univeristy College Oxford)
Q&A with the creators of The Show Must Go Online
The history of the senses and the emotions has become a rapidly expanding field in recent years; in early modern studies, these developments segue with a growing interest in how sounds shaped everyday life. The experience of sound may be ephemeral, but its very transience highlights how acoustic ecology is relational, phenomenological and specific to its environment. Which sounds are made, how they are made, what spaces these sounds occupy, how they are listened to, and how they are heard, connect to wider questions about agency, identity and interaction. This interdisciplinary conference, the last in a series of events organised by the Soundscapes in the Early Modern World research network, brings together scholars working in the fields of sound studies and early modern studies to interrogate historic sounds and agency.